College of Agricultural Biotechnology, Loni was set up in 2003 as the first unaided institute of its kind. It is affiliated to Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), Rahuri. The College of Agriculture Business Management started functioning in 2011 and the College of Agriculture was established in 2012 as associate institutes.
Based on an eco-friendly, smoke-free campus with pleasant and pollution-free ambience, the college comes with an ultra modern, well-secured girls hostel. A well-furnished college building with LCD lecture halls, dynamic faculty, and well-equipped laboratories make learning an experience to remember.
An agriculture farm provides an avenue for practical and skill development. Moreover, the institute collaborates with IIT, Mumbai for NPTEL e-learning and ICAR - National Research Centre on Pomegranate, Solapur for a six month research project for final year students.
Earn and Learn Scheme helps economically weak students and the institute also helps students obtain education loans from nationalized banks. The Teacher Guardian program takes guidance beyond academics to provide the correct direction to students while the National Service Scheme (NSS) promotes national integration.
- College Building according to norms in picturesque surroundings.
- Highly Qualified and Experienced Staff and renowned Visiting Staff.
- Study Tours, Seminars and Workshops.
- LCD Screen, Slide & Transparency Projector.
- Separate Hostels for Boys and Girls with amenities such as Solar Water Heater, Reading Room, and Emergency Lighting system.
- Educational Bank Loans Assistance.
Our Vision
To enable prosperity by delivering a broad range of education on Agriculture and Allied subjects with a commitment to excellence in teaching, learning, and research which responds to regional, national, and international needs.
Our Mission
To provide high class, urban standard teaching and learning environment to Students and Teachers in rural areas with a view to empower them through Agricultural Education.
Our Goal
- To uplift rural masses through Agricultural Education.
- To achieve academic excellence.
- To promote education for women.
- To impart value based education.
- To provide education for socio-economic change.
- To deliver education to poor and needy students.