Division of Animal Biotechnology


Muffle furnace, Digital PH meter, Autoclave Exec, Laboratory centrifuge, Refrigerator, Water bath, Laminar air flow, Liquid nitrogen container, Hot air oven walled chambered size, Cream separator machine, Gerber centrifuge, Analytical weighing balance, LPG connection set, Dairy steel equipments, Spectrophotometer, Tribicular research microscope, Vortex mixture, Bacteriological incubator, Lock stopper metallic with key, Butyrometer Regulating key, Egg tray, Spherometer, Bull nose rings, Bull holder with thumb, Bull nose punch, Horn cutting wire saw with handle, Dehorner electrical type, Dehorner non electrical type, Hoof trimmer, Milk siphon, Clipping scissors, Tattooing ink, Sheep shear, Automatic drenching gun, Ear tag brass with number 16 mm, Ear tag brass with number 22 mm, Veterinary thermometer, Vaginal speculum 8’’, Mouth feeding bottle for animal, IV set, IV stand, Applicator for ear tag brass, Stomach tube, Artificial vagina working set, Artificial insemination set, Veterinary stethoscope, Injection syringe, Burdizzo castrator small, Canula tracer and Gotha set of equipments, Paneer press.