About Us
Pravara Rural College of Education at Pravaranagar started functioning in 1990 and has since made valuable contributions towards imparting education and employment skills to students from rural areas. Sindhu, the college’s magazine, has won university-level award in 2015-16 as well as divisional level awards in 2013-14 and 2014-15.
A dedicated placement cell helps students find gainful employment. Spacious libraries and laboratories are an integral part of the institute’s infrastructure. With due respect to education becoming more versatile in nature, the institute encourages students to participate in co-curricular and social service activities.
Rural students often face financial shortages. In order to maintain the continuity of their education, the college runs an Earn and Learn scheme. The institute also operates programs for Girls’ Personality Development, NET-SET workshops, and special SGuidance Schemes.
A lecture series under the Bahishal Shikshan Mandal provides the youth with knowledge of routine importance. National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers from the institute promotes a technocratic environment while engaging the underprivileged in self development.
- Library
- Laboratory
- Placement Cell
- ICT Infrastructure
- Sports
- Student Welfare Programs
- Social Services
- National Service Scheme
Our Vision
To enable grassroots prosperity by creating globally competent, morally responsible, socially committed, and highly dedicated student-teachers for the noble cause of spreading education in rural areas.
Our Mission
- All round development of student-teachers.
- Build teachers with compassion and a sense of social responsibility with adherence to code of ethics.
- Develop research attitude and competencies in teaching pedagogy.
- Train student-teachers using classroom technology.
- Promote learning inside and outside of the classroom.
Our Goal
- To provide opportunities for continuing professional development and efficiency of student-teachers.
- To assist student-teachers in understanding principles, techniques, methods, and the process of teaching and learning.
- To help student-teachers in organizing, supervising and participating in curricular and co-curricular activities of the school.
- To help student-teachers from rural areas understand the nature of child i.e. his or her abilities, aptitudes, instinct, ambition and intelligence.
Student Co-curricular Activities
- Co-Curricular Activities help to build character is nurturing in them qualities like tenacity confidence, perseverance and teamwork.
- To introduce the contribution of freedom fighter through programmed Birth Anniversary and Death Anniversary.
- To encourage students to follow their interests and passions.
- To inculcate the skills of leadership, teamwork.
- To build the Confidence of students.
- To help for emotional, social, inborn abilities, moral & cultural development of students.
Principal Message
It is my pleasure to inform to you that last twenty six years Pravara Rural College of Education, Pravaranagar has high contribution in the training this students for modern techniques in teaching learning process and handling advance technological teaching aids. Because of possessing this ability our students have vast contribution in the field of education.
As a principal leading this college there is always great honor to me and my faculty members to co-up with advancing world in the field of teacher education. We always taking every step to strengthen our supremacy in the academic and educational research.

Dr. Vidya P. Waje