National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is conducted by the Council of Architecture (COA) for admission to first year of 5 year B.Arch Degree course at all recognized institutions all over the country. The test measures drawing and observation skills, sense of proportion, aesthetic sensitivity and critical thinking ability. This is a complete and comprehensive assesement of candidates for undergraduate education in architecture. Admission to all architecture colleges (including government, government-aided, private unaided, university department, deemed universities) in India is done on the basis of NATA score.
NATA 2017 Eligibility
Any person having passed SSC (Std X) or equivalent examination and above can appear for NATA. However, only candidates who have qualified an aptitude test in Architecture and have secured 50% marks in 10+2 or equivalent examination with Mathematics as one of the subjects, shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. Course. No direct lateral admission is allowed at any year/stage of B.Arch. course based on any qualification. NATA score shall be valid for a period of two years from the year in which one appeared.